Semoy H.
Sophisticated, Classy, Sexy
Interested In:
Trade Shows, Liquor Promotions, Fashion Shows, Sporting Events, Cocktail waitressing/bartending, Demonstrations, Street team marketing, Emcee/Event Hosting, Brand Ambassador, Event Management
Gender: female
Age: 27
Ethnicity: Black or African American
Eyes Color: Brown
Languages: English
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 130 lbs
- Dress: 8
- Bust: 36B
- Cup: 36B
- Hips: 7
- Waist: 6
- Shoe: 7
- Level: College / University
- College/Univ: University of Findlay
- Area of Study: Business
- Industries: Consumer Services, Events Services, Food/Beverages, Hospitality, Marketing/Advertising/Sales, Restaurants, Sports, Wine/Spirits
- Sales Ability (0-10): 10
- Speaking Ability (0-10): 8
- Presently Employed: no